Ian Waldron is a fourth-generation farmer near South Molton in Devon. Originally a dairy farmer, he moved to egg production nine years ago and now runs a 12,700 bird operation.
Ian and Anna
“At the start I had no more experience of poultry than a keeping a handful of chickens in the garden when my daughters were growing up,” said Ian. “But the people we asked said if you are going into poultry, Humphrey Feeds and Pullets are the people to speak to.”
Anna Cutler looks after Humphrey Feeds and Pullets customers, as well as six pullet rearing farms, from Cornwall to parts of Dorset and Somerset.
“It is very comforting to have someone like Anna around,” said Ian. “I am often texting her with questions and she’s there on the end of a phone or visiting with helpful advice and comments.”
“I joke that I do exactly what Anna tells me so everything that happens on the farm is down to her!”
The business now focuses on supplying free range eggs to a Cornish packing station so laying must stay optimal.
“Ian gets very good results,” said Anna. “He is a very good producer and he trusts and listens to my advice and uses it because he wants to get the best from his flock.”
“I really respect Anna’s experience and knowledge, I couldn’t praise her more.” added Ian. “She has been there and done it, running a poultry farm herself. She tells me she made mistakes so she knows what can go wrong, but she also knows how to make it go as right as possible.
“She is always travelling around other farms, while I’m isolated here with my flock, seeing other flocks the same age as mine and the problems they are having so she can share solutions.”
Humphrey Feeds and Pullets
Humphrey Feeds and Pullets has been involved in poultry, rearing pullets and manufacturing layers feed for over 80 years.
We help independent free range and organic egg producers achieve optimal performance, maintaining excellent welfare standards. To learn more about our services, call 01962 764 555 or email.