We were thrilled to be asked by NFU Poultry magazine to provide our expert advice on how a successful pullet delivery leads to a productive flock.
View the article here
The article, titled “Getting off to a good start” is in the latest edition of the magazine, which you can view by clicking the link below.
Pullet delivery
In the article, James Wilson, one of our Poultry Specialists, highlights the importance of making the delivery of pullets to farmers as stress free as possible and the measures we go to ensure this. Measures such as careful handling of the birds when loading them into the transport module trays, moving them overnight when the roads are quieter and the temperature is lower and being on hand to unload as soon as the delivery truck arrives at the farm are all discussed in the article.
Our customer, Susie Macmillan of Macs Farm in East Sussex, is also featured in the article, stressing the importance of a smooth unloading process. Susie states “Delivery is an anxious time for the flock and thanks to the team at Humphrey Feeds & Pullets the birds arrive calm and settle quickly which is important as a smooth unloading process always leads to better production.”
Pullet follow up
Once the birds have been unloaded, the Humphrey Pullets team continue visiting the birds to monitor the birds’ health and progress. In the article James states “Farmers like the fact that we are there. We can give them advice on the lighting, ventilation, feed and environment, so that they come on to lay as they should.”
Humphrey Feeds and Pullets
Humphrey Feeds and Pullets has been involved in poultry, rearing pullets and manufacturing layers feed for more than 80 years.
A fundamental element to get right is receiving a healthy, stable, high quality pullet that is ready to lay.
If you would like to find out more about Humphrey Feeds and Pullets and how we can help you optimise the laying performance of your flock please call 01962 764 555 or email.